Beneath Cliff where Musallah Rasoul ALLAH s.a.w.w is located known as Musallah Maqma'al in Wadi Naqae.
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w offered Salaah during expedtion of Ghazwah Bani Mustaliq / Muraysi at this location.
15 july, 2023
its mentioned in hadith, when you see Al-Ghoul (type of Jinn lives in Desert areas) then call Aza'an quickly ...
(ibn nisaai book, narrated by Jabir bin Abullah r.a )
#madinah #ابو_فانوس #جن #الغول #ghost #ghoststories #ghosts #jinn #jinni #jin #makkah #umrah #ابو_نويره #ابو_سراج #الجن