Exploring Gibraltar's History starting in the year 500 BCE. We’ll cover Gibraltar from the time of Phoenicians, to the Romans, to the Moors, to the War of the Spanish Succession, the Great Siege, and end with World War II.
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1. Gibraltar. History of a Fortress. Ernle Bradford
2. Gibraltar The Greatest Siege in British History. Roy and Lesley Adkins. 2017
3. Why is Gibraltar not part of Spain? Soliloquy.
4. The Fortifications of Gibraltar 1068-1945. Darren Fa & Clive Finlayson
5. Herodotus Histories. [story of circumnavigation in book 4]
6.The truth about Hannibal’s route across the Alps. Guardian. Philip Ball.
7. Polybius Histories
8. The Fall of Rome. Dr Peter Heather. Updated 2011-02-17
9. Spain Romanization. Britannica.
10. Tower of Homage, the Moorish Castle, Gibraltar
11. Isabella I, Legacy section. Britannica.
Soliloquy, Why is Gibraltar not part of Spain?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INZJNgIQgyU&t=17s
00:00 Intro
1:11 Geography and Myths
4:41 Carthage, Rome, Vandals
6:24 Muslim Rule and Reconquest
11:50 War of the Spanish Succession
16:46 The Great Siege
21:17 WWII
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