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Girls² EP「Take it easy baby」
2024.10.30 Release
Lyrics by HIROMI
Music by T-SK, HIROMI, ViiiV
Take it easy baby you & me
It'll be alright, Don't you worry
You'll be able to see it, steadily
Let's go on like this, dropping by on the way
Take it easy baby you & me
Sometimes you can be lazy it's okay
It'll go well, steadily
No need to rush, go slow, OK?
Good morning!
A start of the day
What's wrong?
You don't seem to be very well today
Don't know why
It seems so dull these days
We don't intend to be like this
Hmm time just keeps flowing
and I'm struggling with it
Feeling blue again
I know how you feel
I used to think that I wanted to be someone else
and I kept wishing like that over and over
I'm not that strong
But it's okay this is who I am right?
I'm still finding myself
(Let's sing it)
Take it easy baby you & me
It'll be alright, Don't you worry
You'll be able to see it, steadily
Let's go on like this, dropping by on the way
Take it easy baby you & me
Sometimes you can be lazy it's okay
It'll go well, steadily
No need to rush, go slow, OK?
I don't know why I'm doing this
I'm not sure if this is right
Being honest to myself, I like what I like
That's what I want to express
What's wrong about it?
There are times when I'm troubled
But isn't it because I'm trying hard?
Yea I'll be thinking about this song sometime (& play it)
I wonder if I can cherish it
I'm not that weak
Isn't it so like me?
I'm still fighting myself ooh
(Let's sing it)
Take it easy baby you & me
It'll be alright, Don't you worry
You'll be able to see it, steadily
Let's go on like this, dropping by on the way
OK even if you think hard (The earth is spinning)
There's always tomorrow (See the bright sun)
Baby I love when you smile
Take it easy baby you & me
It'll be alright, Don't you worry
You'll be able to see it, steadily
Let's go on like this, dropping by on the way
Take it easy baby you & me
Sometimes you can be lazy it's okay
It'll go well, steadily
No need to rush, go slow, OK?
No need to rush, go slow, OK?
Easy… Yup
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Official Site:https://www.girls2.jp/
#Girls2_寄り道 #Girls2