來到「Better Together Podcast HK」第二集啦!讓我們聊聊有關約會的經歷和對愛情看法。立即收聽我們分享各種約會的有趣故事和難忘經歷,了解各人的約會禁忌!
那你們又有什麽約會「禁忌」 呢?有什麽話題希望我們在往後的節目裡討論?歡迎隨時留言! (大家的留言,我們都會認真看的!)
Welcome to Episode 2 of the Better Together Podcast HK! In our second episode we’re chatting all about dating! Join us as we share our funny stories on everything from best dates to red flags. Tune in!
Let us know what are your red flags and if there any topics you would like us to discuss! Leave your comments below! (We will be reading all of them.)
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Better Together Podcast HK
王君馨 Grace Wong
Janice Vidal 衛蘭
Jill Vidal 衛詩
鍾舒漫 Sherman Chung
鍾舒祺 Sukie Chung
Hosts: Grace, Janice, Jill, Sherman, Sukie
Sound Engineer: Byron
Video Editor: Meron
Producers: Jen, Hannah
Assistant: Yan