The most fun and relaxing girls trip to Greece ever!!
In today's vlog I show you what I get up to in Greece with my long distance best friend, Christina, during our 5 day stay in Aegina and Athens. We spent lots of time tanning by the beach, eating, chatting, and eventually did some sightseeing in Athens. I hope you enjoy the vlog!!
If you have any questions about anything I talk about in my videos, you are always welcome to DM me on instagram @jasminrostock :).
Thank you so much for watching don't forget to like and subscribe🌺.
My Travel Insurance -
Conflict at Serenity Pools - Mellow and Shiny
Hoshi - Holding On (Ft. Nathan Montgomery)
Palo Soprano - KOKONUT WATER
The rest of the music is from
Instagram: @jasminrostock //
Tik Tok: @jazzyxwazzyx //
For business inquiries please contact me at (
Where are you from? I am from Denmark, but have grown up in Dubai
How old are you? I am 21, my birthday is March 9, 2003
Are you in school? No I am currently on a gap year // traveling the world hehe
Equipment? I film on Canon G7x mark ii and edit on Final Cut Pro
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