🎓 Learn modern GIS with my new courses! ➡️ https://moderngis.xyz ⬅️
🎉 My modern GIS community is open - Spatial Lab ➡️ https://www.spatialstack.ai/ ⬅️
📖 My Spatial SQL book is out now! ➡️ http://spatial-sql.com/ ⬅️
Interested in spatial data science but not sure how to get started? In this video, I discuss what spatial data science is and how you can get started even if you don't have a background in programming or data science. We talk about what to learn and where to focus, and my tips and resources for getting started.
0:00 Intro
2:08 What is spatial data science?
4:49 Why is spatial data science growing?
7:36 Using SDS to advance your career
11:23 Learning spatial data science
12:12 Resources for learning SDS
14:15 Skills you need
16:17 Spatial data science vs. data science
Some of the resources from the video and others to get started:
PySAL Website and Tutorials: https://pysal.org/
Luc Anselin Spatial Data Science Definition: https://spatial.uchicago.edu/directory/luc-anselin-phd
CARTO Spatial Data Science Definition:
Geographic Data Science Book: https://geographicdata.science/book/intro.html
Luc Anselin Spatial Data Science Intro Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmCYeJ27DsA
Dani Arribas-Bel's Geographic Data Science Course: https://darribas.org/gds_course/content/home.html
75+ Geospatial Python and Spatial Data Science Resources and Guides: https://forrest.nyc/75-geospatial-python-and-spatial-data-science-resources-and-guides/
GeoDa Software: https://geodacenter.github.io/
#gis #sql #qgis #python #spatialdatascience
Other courses to get started with GIS, spatial data science, and data science (affiliate links):
Sign up for StrataScratch to practice real SQL and Python questions from top companies: https://stratascratch.com/?via=matthew
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialization from UC Davis: https://imp.i384100.net/n1Kyxo
Spatial Data Science and Applications from Yonsei University: https://imp.i384100.net/9W6E6W
Python for Everybody from University of Michigan: https://imp.i384100.net/BX3P31
Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate: https://imp.i384100.net/oeKO9b
IBM Data Science Professional Certificate: https://imp.i384100.net/n1KyK6
➕ Follow me on LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/mbforr/
🎙️Check out the Modern GIS episode on the MapScaping Podcast: https://mapscaping.com/podcast/what-is-modern-gis/
🗞️ Modern GIS Newsletter on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/the-guide-to-modern-gis-6881258721524236288/
🌐 My personal website: https://forrest.nyc
🚀 My top links and resources: https://forrest.nyc/links-and-guides-for-modern-gis/