【背中からニョキッ】グラザー ディルクス DG-800A 組立と離着陸/日本モーターグライダークラブ JA2831 大利根飛行場にて Below is the synopsis. Please watch from the scene of your choice. Taken @ JMGC Japan Motor Glider Club Ohtone Aerodrome in 2021 00:00 Highlights 00:15 Assembly 04:27 Close-up of each part 04:57 Pitot tube fixation 05:30 Close-up of engine 06:11 Engine stands up 06:31 Engine startup 06:40 Taxing to end of runway 07:17 Preparing for tow 08:26 Takeoff towed by another plane 09:31 Rope separation and turning 10:29 Landing 11:29 Taxiing to tarmac 12:38 Taxing to end of runway 13:19 Takeoff with fuselage-mounted engines 15:40 Landing 16:05 Taxiing to tarmac 16:44 Retract the engine Related Playlists https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjUPcXDaq_DxCzyUp6zvO_XsLWuj3G-KO https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjUPcXDaq_DyxERTuWIJq0SoJi4F8SQ1j https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjUPcXDaq_DxHPhG5Vsj8nbvfJkwEPs7U Related Videos https://youtu.be/NYWvSu71xoQ https://youtu.be/ie4vplNhvC0 https://youtu.be/hgl7NqRXUE4 Advertisement through the Amazon Associates Program Equipment used for videography Camera: SONY DSC-RX10M4 https://amzn.to/3BwKmYD (Amazon) #JetKeene_Aircraft_Channel #aviation #motorglider _172