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Glorfindel and Balrog - The Silmarillion Soundtrack by Bugra Gokce | No Copyright Music

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#middlearthmusic #fantasymusic #royaltyfreemusic 🎵🎶 'Glorfindel and Balrog' (Royalty-free music)🎶🎵 This is Orchestral Fan-made Soundtrack by Bugra Gokce, Dunedain - Middle Earth Music 🔽the Silmarillion Soundtrack Playlist: Soundcloud Music: @bugra3179 Used in Making: FL Studio, Cinematic Studio Brass, Cinematic St. Strings, BBC Symphony, SAGA, Vandria, 8dio Lacrimosa , Requiem Light #lotr #music #lotrmusic #thelordoftherings #lordoftherings #amazon #primevideo #prime #galadriel #orchestralcover #hobbit #frodo #legendarium #legendariumturkey #legendariumtürkiye #galadrieltheme #galadrielmusic #fanmademusic #fanmusic #moviemusic #cinematicmusic #aragorn #gandalf #lorien #lothlorien #dunedan #dunedain #gondor #flstudio #galadriel #video #middleearth #tolkien #embracergroup #thefellowshipofthering #thefellowship #twotowers #thereturnoftheking #marvel #dc #orchestra #classicalmusic #flstudio #kontakt #soundtrack #stider #dunedain #dunadan #numenor #ringsofpower #netflix #thorin #thebattleofthefivearmies #hobbit3 #thehobbit3 #bilbo #hobbitmusic #thorinmusic #thorintheme #dwarfmusic #dwarf #durin #durinsfolk #durinsong #sonsofdurin #songofdurin #thorinoakenshield #thorinsdeath #thorindeath #thorinsfuneral #nocopyrightmusic #nocopyright #nocopyrightsounds #royaltyfreemusic #morgoth #fingolfin #thesilmarillion #silmarillion #morgothvsfingolfin #silmarillionmusic #silmarillionsoundtrack #thesilmarillionmusic #jrrtolkien #fantasy #fantasymusic #epicmusic #cinematicmusic #trailermusic #ambient #ambientmusic #glorfindel #balrog #gondolin #thefallofgondolin #balrogvsglorfindel
