For Meister Eckhart, the 13th c. German Dominican, the essence of God lies beyond every idea we have about God - beyond even the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This "Godhead" is present in our very soul; is "born" in our soul when we practice detachment from all created things. His work has been treated by D.T. Suzuki, the scholar of Zen Buddhism, as a bridge between Buddhism and Christianity. Here we explore some main themes in Eckhart's work, including especially his text "On Detachment."
This is part two in a four-part series on Christian mysticism:
1. "God is not good": Pseudo-Dionysius (
2. God beyond God: Meister Eckhart (
3. Chambers of the soul: Teresa of Avila (
4. Nothing, nothing, nothing: John of the Cross (