The Chitai Golu Devta Temple has many interesting legends around it. According to a legend, once a King went to the forest for hunting. He felt thirsty and ordered his servant to fetch some water. When he was bringing water, the servant disturbed a female saint who was in meditation.The woman angrily taunted the King that he could not separate two fighting bulls. The King accepted her challenge and eventually failed. Then the lady did it herself. The King got impressed by this, and he married her.After seeing this new queen, the other queens became jealous. So, they stole the newborn child of the queen and replaced it with a big stone. They kept the child in a cage and threw it in a lake, where a fisherman found the baby.Later the boy realized his original identity. So, he decided to fight against the injustice done to his mother. He went to the lake with a wooden horse and tried to make the horse drink water from the lake. Seeing this, the King asked the boy how a wooden horse could drink water. He replied to the King that if a woman could give birth to a stone, a wooden horse could drink water. The King realized his mistake and accepted him as his son. This boy was later known as Golu Devta.Golu Devata used to travel far distances on his horse and used to meet people of his kingdom, in a practice called Golu Darbar: Golu Devata used to hear the problems of the people and help them in any way possible. He had a special place for people in his heart and he was always ready to help them. Due to his complete dedication to people, he led a very simple life, following the principles of brahmacharya.Golu Devata still meets with his people and in many villages the practice of Golu darbar is still prevalent, where Golu Devata appears in front of people, listens to their problems and helps people in every way possible. In present times, the most common form of Golu Devata Darbar is Jagar.
Time stamped ---
00:00-00:39 - Introduction
00:40-00:51 - I am in this
00:52-02:07 - History of Golu Dewata
02:08-16:58 - Famous History of Golu Dewata
16:59-19:11 - Agwani dewta
Special Credits to :
Photos ---Thanks to YouTube creative commons attribution ( reuse allowed) librery for some footage .
Video's-----A lot of video sequences from the You Tube channal, creative commons attribution ( reuse allowed)
For Song-- Thankyou YouTube Creative
common attribution for the
For background Music--
Thankyou YouTube Creative common attribution
LICENCES -YouTube Audio Library
- Creative common attribution ( reuse allowed)
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#god of justice.
#Golu devta
#गॉड ऑफ जस्टिस,
# चितई गोलू देवता का इतिहास .
#gol devta
#chitai gol devta
Rawan Role || Ram N,
Trimbkeshwar yaatra,
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यु्धभूमि में लड रहे शूरवीरो.
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