Whether you are single or married, God has something to say to you through the Bible. There are certain guidelines and parameters for us, no matter what our marital status, concerning how we are to conduct ourselves in relationships. In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul begins by addressing single adults and then moves on to discuss marriage and sex. In today’s study, Pastor Gary takes us through this passage to help us understand God’s view of singleness and marriage.
00:00 - Introduction
00:21 - God's View Of Singleness And Marriage
04:31 - A Summary Of The Next Four Chapters
06:00 - Singleness And Marriage
09:23 - 1) The Roman Empire Had No Uniform Way Of Getting Married.
12:51 - 2) There Were Erroneous Views About Physical Pleasure.
15:06 - God Through HIs Word: Validates Singleness
25:13 - God Through His Word: Advocates Marriage
27:07 - God Through His Word: Celebrates Sex In Marriage
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