What started out as a simple "look at this cool prop I bought" video segment turned into something completely different, a total nightmare. Couple things about this video (SPOILER ALERT)
This video was shot in order of the events as they happened. So yes I was quite angry. Believe it or not I edited out much harsher things I said. This is the tame version if there is one.
I have nothing against The Prop Store of London & Los Angeles. In the end they made things right. However I never received any apology from their Director of Operations which is disappointing. After what I told their C.O.O. in great detail I am shocked I didn't receive an e-mail or phone call from the guy apologizing. It honestly solidifies my opinion of the man. I've had more polite customer service at a White Castle drive-thru window at 3:00 am than I did with this one individual.
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Directing, Editing, Music, Thumbnail by Brian Balchack ► https://www.youtube.com/@creepshows
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