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Цены на золотой iPhone и такси Tesla в ДУБАЕ

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Let's see and compare prices for Apple devices and smartphones iPhone, Samsung, Xiaomi, as well as Uber cab rides in Dubai, UAE and Russia. Where to buy cheaper and better deals in 2022.

0:00 intro
2:17 taxi prices
3:06 Dubai Taxi Wages
4:06 exchange rates
4:34 Apple Store
6:39 coffee shop prices
7:07 helpful integration
8:10 women's shoes and men's jeans
8:28 electronics store
9:25 Samsung smartphone prices
10:22 gold cases for smartphones
10:42 shoe store
11:00 video cards in Dubai
11:28 gadgets with gold, platinum, etc.
12:16 more shoes
12:33 Uber helicopter
13:22 Tesla in a cab
14:00 rarity phones and smartphones
14:43 Vertu for $2 million
15:15 H&M prices
15:24 Xiaomi brand shop
16:08 food prices in Dubai
16:44 Chinese mall (3500 stores)
19:58 golden toilet
20:37 Dmytro (delivery of the car from Dubai)
21:37 gadget market
22:36 PlayStation 5 in bulk
24:32 good salary in Dubai
24:59 Wholesale Prices for iPhones
27:33 Dubai rent prices

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