Our Master, sallallahu ta'ala alaihi wa sallam, has said in his Hadith:
Nas is the house of Allah Almighty. The most beloved of people to Allah Almighty and His Majesty, the one who is on the side of Allah Almighty.''
Likewise, sallallahu ta'ala alaihi wa sallam has said in one of his Hadiths:
''A believer is the brother of another believer. He does not oppress him and if a person helps his believing brother's need, Allah Almighty will fulfill that person's need.''
''If a person relieves a Muslim of one of his severeness, Allah Almighty will relieve one of his severeness on the Day of Resurrection. And whoever pleases a Muslim, Allah Almighty also pleases him.'' (Bukhari, Muslim)
It has been said, ''As long as a person is in the favor of his believing brother, Allah Almighty is also in his favor.'' (Muslim).
Therefore, it is necessary to consider it as a means, a reason for the salvation of the True Lord Almighty and Most High, to strive to fulfill the needs of the creation of God, to be agile and quick-witted, to serve the believers, who are the servants of the Creator, and to be mindful and easy in the conversations and transactions of the good of the human being, as a means of the pleasure of the True Lord Almighty and Most High, and the cause of the salvation and the means of progress in degrees.
And it is also stated in the Hadith;
''The believer who has perfect faith is the one who has good character and his favors are increased to his people.''
And it is also stated in the Hadith;
''The true servant, because of his good character, reaches the great degree and the most honorable place in the Hereafter. However, his state of worship is weak. And again, because of his bad character, the servant reaches the degree of the Hell.''
Likewise, it is stated in the Hadith;
''Good character removes mistakes. Just as water removes dirt. Su-i hulk also corrupts the action, just as vinegar corrupts honey.''
Again, in the Hadith-i Sharif;
''Allahu Ta'ala is the Companion, He is the Beloved of Companion in every profit.'' (Bukhari, Muslim)
Similarly, in the Hadith-i Sharif;
''Be aware that I will inform you of the person to whom pomegranate is forbidden and pomegranate is forbidden to him: Every person who is lively and elegant, pomegranate is forbidden to him,'' Tirmidhi narrates.
''The trustworthy abd perceives the degree of the person who is calm and steady because of his forbearance.'' Ibn-i Hibban narrates.
Isfahani narrates that he said, ''Allah's love has become obligatory for the one who is forbearing after being angry.''
Similarly, in the Hadith-i Sharif; ''Be aware that Allah Almighty honored your being and caused you to be degraded?'' he said, and when the Companions said, 'O Messenger of Allah, please inform me':
''Be forbearing to someone you do not know, forgiving the person who oppressed you, obeying the person who deprived you, and establishing ties with the person who is separated from you.'' Tabarani and Bazzaz narrate that he said, ''SIL-i RAHM.''
I heard Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) say, "Whoever is pleased with the abundance of his sustenance and the extension of his remaining life, then let him establish ties of kinship." (Bukhari, Tecrid-i Sarih, vol.: 6; p.: 436.)
Establishing ties of kinship is obligatory. Abandoning them necessitates responsibility. There are many blessed hadiths on this subject.
This ties of kinship also determines the reward according to the degree of the close relative, and it varies according to the degree of the favor, greeting or help, service and assistance given to the person visited. Some ties of kinship are obligatory, some are recommended.
According to the narration from Abdullah ibn-i Samura (may Allah be pleased with him): (In the commentary of Sahih Bukhari), the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Last night I saw someone from my Ummah in my house. The Angel of Death (Azrail) (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had come to him to take his soul. However, the birr and ihsan about this person's father became visible and he rejected the angel of death from the presence of this Ummah. The owner of Targhib and Tarhib said that this hadith is hasan.
According to the narration of Bukhari and Muslim from Abdullah ibn-i Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him):
I asked once which deed and worship is good?
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
- The prayer performed on time. Then I asked which act of worship is best:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
- Birr and ihsan to the mother and father...
I asked again, and the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied:
- Jihad in the way of Allah.