Did you know this in the Amazing Digital Circus
Since the release of episode 2 some fans have been unhappy with the portrayal of jax, leading him to be the most hated character in the show. Gooseworx and michael kovach even chimed in, i’ll break it down.
So in the episode we obviously got a lot of jax scenes, and he was alot more ruder and standoffish compared to in the pilot.
This led to many fans, especially on twitter complaining about the character or saying how much they dislike him.
Michael kovach himself responded to one tweet saying my bad.
And gooseworx made a tweet saying Only the strong Jax fans will survive this show. 😎.
Personally for me i’m surprised that some fans were shocked when he was manipulative and antagonistic, because the pilot clearly set him up that way, it’s just that we got to see more of him. Gooseworx said he gets worse as the episodes go on, and she established him as a chaotic evil character. It makes sense that as the story goes on he’ll get more and more unhinged and aggressive, perhaps being a sort of villain and i think thats pretty funny. Do you hate jax? Do you think the hate towards him is deserved? Let me know down below.
#amazingdigitalcircus #theamazingdigitalcircus #gooseworx
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