Gordon's back for another Ramsay in 10 from home this time making a Steak and Potatoes with a Delicious Chimicurri. And for only the second time as Gordon cooks at home Live, he gets this dish done in under 10 minutes! This a simple, easy and delicious way to make a perfect steak! Gordon wants to see your dish, don't forget to post it on Instagram and tag @gordonrgram and he may praise it or roast it! Full recipe: https://www.gordonramsay.com/gr/recipes/steak-with-chimichurri-and-potatoes-from-ramsay-in-10-live/ INGREDIENTS: Sirloin Steak Garlic Spring Onion Red Wine Vinegar Olive Oil Honey Mushrooms Chili Parsley Mint Basil Lemon Tomatoes Rosemary Follow Gordon: Text him: +1 (310) 620-6468 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/gordongram Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gordonramsay Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GordonRamsay #Cooking #CookwithMe