I'm not the one who put the ad on my video, but youtube itself. This means that YOUTUBE/GORILLAZ get profit from my video, not me. I was forced to put "NO PROFIT in the title, cause in Italy, if you publish something with copyright music, the video get censored (contrarily than US that put ad on it). The only way to don't get censored is to write everywhere that I don't get any profit from it. Sorry about this nonsense, it's not my fault if rules are stupid AHA =
ANYWAY if you want to DONATE $1 or more to a poor ex-animator, here's my paypal account! federica@shangelina.com
I upload the full HD so you can enjoy the beautiful drawings by Lora Zombie! https://www.youtube.com/user/lorazombie
WARNING: at the end of the video there's a wrong url! I lost the gorillaz.it domain and I dunno who got it (maybe a scammer?). DON'T LOOK FOR IT ON THE WEB.