These two loaves were made from the starter cultivated by fresh green grape yeast water. The video of of how to cultivate "fresh green grape wild yeast water and its wholewheat starter" :
About this loaf: 有關此麵包:(室溫25-26度上下, room temperature around 25-26C)
Step1: mix and autolyse 2 hour 混合材料,室溫水合2小時
White strong flour 380g 高筋白麵粉
All purpose flour 60g 中筋白麵粉
water 320cc 水
malt powder 1g 麥芽精粉
註1:About Malt powder: 建議加入麥芽精粉或是相關烘焙用的麥芽糖精,因為鄉村麵包屬於長時間發酵麵團,少許的麥芽精粉可以補充酵素以維持長時間發酵所需養分。若是沒有麥芽精粉,可以省略不加,但是成品效果各有不同。https://tomiz.com/item/00057401
註2:我利用餵養酵種的最後2小時進行水合,優點是可以節省總製作的時間,但是缺點是酵種和水合的麵團必須利用手攪或機攪的方式才能順利結合,在攪拌的過程麵團溫度容易上升,要特別小心不可攪拌過久。I like to autolyse with starter (levain) and salt (people call this technique "fermentolyse", but this time I took advantage of the time of the second feeding to have flour and water autolysed for 2 hours in order to shorten the time of the whole process. Here is one thing to be aware of is when you try to have the starter and the autolysed dough incorporated either by hand or by machine, the dough temperature would increase quite faster than expected.
Step2: Add starter (levain) and salt water, mix well , rest @RT for one hour 加入酵種和鹽水(事先將熱水加鹽混合後放涼備用),充分攪拌均勻,室溫靜置發酵1小時。
wholewheat starter (levain) 140g 全麥酵種(青提葡萄酵母)
salt 鹽 6g + hot water 熱水 10cc (mix and let it cool down prior to step2)
Step3: Stretch and fold, rest @RT for one hour 拉折,室溫靜置發酵1小時。
Step4: Lamination and rest @RT for one hour 貼合,室溫靜置發酵1小時。
Step5: Divide, preshape and bench rest time for 20 min. 分割、預成形,中間靜置20分鐘。
Step6: Final shape 正式成形
Step7: Cold retard in fridge@5C 13 hours 冰箱冷藏發酵5度13小時
Step9: Score 割線
Step10: bake烘烤:有關烘烤方法可參考此連結:
如何使用「Panasonic NN-BS1000蒸烘烤微波爐」一次烤出兩顆「氣孔全開」的歐包?
Put the cast iron griddle hot plate on the stove. This plate offers two sides, one is flat griddle and the other is raised grill side. Brush the surface of both sides with oil, flip the flat side upward and heat the plate on medium heat for 2-3 minutes.
2: 烤箱的最下層放置原烤盤,原烤盤上面再放上空燒好的鑄鐵烤盤。
Inside the oven, put a baking tray on the lowest rack. Place the heated cast iron griddle hot plate on top of the baking tray.
3: 上方鑄鐵烤盤儘量往後面後,因為下方烤盤裡要倒入熱水用,製造蒸氣。
Move the cast iron hot plate as backward as possible. The baking tray is used for creating steam.
Close the oven door and do the settings on the control panel.
Manual mode~baking~preheat~single rack~300C
It takes around 25-30 minutes to get the oven heated up to 300C.
5: 一起放入兩顆麵團,在下方烤盤中加入約150cc熱水。設定250C烤30分鐘,開蒸氣20分鐘。place two loaves at once into the preheated oven, pour hot water in the baking tray. Turn down to 250C for 30 minutes ( steam on for 20 minute)
6: 20分鐘後,轉換麵包方向,左右前後。將鑄鐵烤盤往前移,遠離後方出風口。調至220C(最後10分鐘,無蒸氣)。
Switch both loaves (left/right, front/back) after 20 minutes. Move the hot plate forward to the oven door. Turn down to 220C for the rest 10 minutes. Steam is off.
7: 烘烤時間到後,把歐包放置在烤箱中悶8~10分鐘左右。
I tend to leave the baked loaves in the switched off oven for a while even if baking time is up.
Panasonic NN-BS1000 蒸‧烘‧烤 微波爐
MAGIC RV-IRON 202 雙耳雙面立紋烤盤(小) 煎盤 鐵板燒 鑄鐵烤盤 雙口爐 瓦斯爐 可用
Paper: 紙本書
Copyright reserved, No duplication.
Copyright reserved, No duplication.
Music Source
●サイト名⇒ 甘茶の音楽工房(英語表記=Music Atelier Amacha)
●作曲者⇒ 甘茶(英語表記=Amacha)
●URL⇒ https://amachamusic.chagasi.com/