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"Gregorian Chants for the Holy Night: In Nativitate Domini" is a collection of prayer hymns traditionally sung during the Christmas season. Rooted in the ancient Gregorian chant tradition, these pieces are characterized by their meditative, monophonic melodies and sacred Latin texts. The chants evoke a sense of solemnity and reverence, celebrating the birth of Christ as narrated in the Gospels.
Typically performed by a schola or choir, the chants emphasize themes of divine grace, the mystery of the Incarnation, and the joy of Christ’s arrival. The flowing, unaccompanied melodies are designed to inspire deep spiritual reflection, creating an atmosphere of peace and transcendence. These hymns are integral to the liturgical celebration of Christmas, often included in Midnight Mass and other Christmas liturgies. The simplicity and purity of the melodies highlight the sacred and timeless nature of the Nativity story.
Listen to all our compilations of Gregorian chants:
🎶 The Ancient Gregorian Chants
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➤ Music by:
Schola Gregoriana Mediolanensis
Director: Giovanni Vianini
From the album 'Te Deum (Il canto gregoriano nella tradizione popolare)'
Listen on all digital platforms: https://lnk.fuga/scholagregorianamediolanensisgiovannivianini_tedeumilcantogregorianonellatradizionepopolare
℗ 2006 La Gloria / Rusty Records
[email protected]
00:00 - Alma redemptoris Mater
01:05 - Asperges me domine
02:41 - Attende domine
06:50 - Ave Maria
07:53 - Ave Maris stella
11:35 - Ave Regina coelorum
12:28 - Ego sum resurrectio
17:51 - Exultet
20:48 - Homo quidam
24:14 - In Paradisum
25:37 - Jesu dulcis memoria
27:53 - Litaniae sanctorum
30:37 - Magnificat
33:04 - Meditabor in mandatis tuis
34:19 - Memorare, o piissima Virgo Maria
38:17 - O sacrum convivium
41:04 - O salutaris Hostia
42:41 - O Sapientia
47:44 - Parce domine
50:39 - Pater noster
51:58 - Qui manducat
53:49 - Adoro te devote
➤ Whether you are a longtime fan of Gregorian chants or simply looking for a new form of relaxation, this collection of beautiful and haunting melodies is sure to leave a lasting impression on your mind and soul. Tune in and let the timeless beauty of these sacred chants guide you on your spiritual journey.
All images are free copyright and all music is legally licensed.
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