An initatory journey into Grimdark Painting of miniatures.
This is Part I of a trilogy of videos I'll be making due to high request on social media.
This video in particular will focus on the mindset of grimdark painting and how to create a believable world to integrate your miniatures in, as well of developing a method and a mindset that will help you throughout your projects.
This is my first video on Youtube. I am conscious there is room for improvement in regards of quality of editing and recording: so feel free to leave your feedback in the comments below.
0:00 Intro
0:27 Prologue: get to know me, and my intent with these videos
2:51 Definition of GrimDark
8:00 The importance of a moodboard, and ask yourself questions
10:13 Bringing the GrimDark onto the model
15:36 Final thoughts
16:15 Epilogue
Support me on Ko-Fi:
Original Soundtrack provided by HIEMS ANIMAE
Special thanks to
for guiding me in my first steps on this platform.
#grimdark #grimdarkpainting #paintingtutorial #grimdarktutorial #mordheim #wargames #darkagesworkshop #miniaturepainting #miniaturepaintingtutorial #grimdarkminiatures #warhammer #darkambient