In this video we cover 4 different potential grit sources for worms, including eggshells, biochar, bone meal, and sand! We cover the benefits and limitations of these materials as well as suggested use.
If you do not eat a lot of eggs, in this video you will learn about 3 other potential sources of grit that can also enrich biodiversity inside your worm bin.
Crushed bone meal is a new addition to my list of grit options for my worms!
Products used in the video:
(to support this channel use the following links to shop on Amazon)
Bone Meal (Worm Grit Level) :
(The one used in the video came in the 50 pound bag of the same brand)
Biochar (Worn Grit Level and Microbial Habitat):
Mesh Divider (for worm bin):
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