John from visits Microgreens4Life in Las Vegas, Nevada to show you how one farm can grow up to up to 200 trays of microgreens in just 16 square feet of space in a Living Room!!
In this episode, you will learn how you can start a farm in your apartment, condo, house or even room by being space efficient.
You will learn all about growing microgreens and what it takes to start a microgreens business in a small space.
You will discover the specifics of the set up including lighting, trays, seeds, growing medium, water, etc.
You will learn how much these microgreens that cost about $3-$4 a tray sells for and how long they take to grow.
You will discover the entire growing process and how easy it is to start a farm in your living room no matter where you live or your education level.
You will learn where to buy seeds, the best growing medium to use, how to seed and water your plants.
Finally, John will interview Dustin, the farmer so you can learn more about growing microgreens in your living room for profit.
Jump to the following parts of this episode:
00:15 Episode Starts
00:30 Farmers Market Booth of Farm
01:48 Visiting "Farm" in a Rented Condo
02:43 Farm in the Living Room
03:10 Industrial Rack Grows 200 Trays of Microgreens
03:45 Controlling the environment when growing microgreens
04:42 Size of Rack
05:00 How much money you can make with a full rack of Microgreens
07:37 Value-Added Products to Maximize Revenue
08:20 Shipping Microgreens to Anywhere in the USA
08:37 How he set up his Rack to Grow Microgreens
11:47 Sell Microgreens Live and Whole
13:30 How he sells microgreens
15:00 How to Ship Microgreens
16:00 Does not take acres to be a microgreens farmer
16:42 Closeup of one level of microgreens
18:04 LED shop Light he uses
18:40 Different types of microgreens growing
19:40 Benefits of Microgreens
22:35 How to Grow Microgreens
22:45 Microgreen Seeds
24:00 Best Coconut Coir to Use for Microgreens
26:40 How to hydrate Coconut Coir
27:00 Filter Your Water
28:24 Weighing Out Seeds
28:45 Seeding out with Pizza Place Shaker
30:46 Water in your Seeds after placement
32:02 Germinating the Seeds for 3 days
33:20 After 3 days of Germination
35:00 How to Water Microgreens Properly
39:20 Interview with Dustin
39:50 Why did you start to grow microgreens?
40:45 How much does it cost you to grow each tray?
41:30 What is the best way of Marketing Your Business?
42:00 Shipping Microgreens across the United States
43:10 How are you allowed by your girlfriend to have this in your living food?
44:25 How is your family eating healthier due to your farm?
45:15 How is the business doing for you so far?
46:32 How long does it take to Manage your farm?
47:15 How many hours a week do you put in?
47:35 How are you increasing the revenue of your farm?
49:38 Are you using only water and seeds to grow microgreens?
50:50 Why are you using a filtered water to grow microgreens?
52:10 Why did you start growing plant starts for people?
54:45 How is there No Mold or Dampening Off issues?
55:56 What are some microgreens growing tips?
56:20 What have you changed since you started growing microgreens?
58:40 Any Tips on Mold Issues?
1:00:00 Any tips on Watering Microgreens?
1:01:10 Anything else you would like to share?
1:03:00 How did you get your grow racks?
1:03:50 How can someone get ahold of you to order microgreens?
After watching this episode, you will learn how you can start a microgreens farm in your living room for profit or just for you and your family to eat.
Referenced Episodes:
How to Best Eat Microgreens for Health Benefit
How to Grow Microgreens and make $100,000 a Year
Top 10 Microgreens Growing Mistakes
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