Turn on the subtitle for more details!
!!!IMPORTANT!!!! A rule of thumb when growing vines in this way is to first check grape varieties to see if they will bear fruit under short pruning, because many of the table grape varieties produce quite poorly. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them. Thanks for 👍so helping me and this video reach more people.
Training grape vines trellis first year
📹 https://youtu.be/tuF0QqUknpQ
00:00 Intro
00:49Training grape vines first year
01:21 How to train a grape vine on a trellis (pergola)
01:58 Spur pruning grapes
03:17 What is spur pruning
04:15 Training vines (cordon extension)
05:31 How to prune grape vines on a pergola?
05:47 Single cordon grape vine, growing vines for PERGOLA
05:31 Cara Menanam Anggur Dengan Sistem Para Para
06:02 Pruning grape vines during growing season
07:36 Training grape vines Single cordon
09:25 How to trim grape vines in summer
14:11 grape harvesting
15:12 How to trim vines on a PERGOLA ?
grape plant at home how:
planting vines on trellis (Arbor Single cordon)