Hi everyone! In today's Q&A, we'll discuss the best starter material for bonsai, how to work with nursery stock, starting a bonsai from a seedling, bonsai zones, and more. As always, please feel free to comment your suggestions and help out our bonsai community, as well as leave me questions for my next Q&A.
0:00 Introduction
0:45 Best material for staring a bonsai farm
2:30 How to maintain nursery stock roots
4:11 Bonsai outdoors in winter
6:04 How to start bonsai from seedling
7:41 Moving through bonsai zones
9:02 Air layering live oak tree
11:13 Planting tree in sphagnum moss
12:08 Working on mini bonsai
To stay up to date on my bonsai, which will be available for purchase later this year, please sign up for my emails at bonsaiheirloom.com.
Be a part of my bonsai community! You can also find me here:
- https://www.instagram.com/bonsaiheirloom/
- https://www.tiktok.com/@bonsaiheirloom
- https://www.facebook.com/bonsaiheirloom/
Questions about your bonsai? Leave a comment below or you can reach out to me at [email protected]. I'll do my best to help!
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