The Hellcat had begun life as a proposal that Grumman build a "Wilder Wildcat," and, while designed as a successor to the F4F, the F6F Hellcat sported significant differences. It was simply bigger and more powerful, with more armor, firepower, and fuel. Initially fitted with a 1,700 horsepower engine, design changes dictated a more powerful 2,000 horsepower Pratt & Whitney model.
Development was made urgent later that year by U.S. entry into World War 2 and the appearance of Japan's formidable Zero fighter. Throughout early 1942, Grumman worked closely with the U.S. Navy's Bureau of Aeronautics, and experienced F4F pilots, to develop the new fighter in such a way that it could counter the Zero's strengths and help gain air command in the Pacific Theater of Operations.
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