In this video we will be looking at the cut character by the name of "Darkel". Rumors state he was a crazy bum, who wanted to see Liberty City in flames and terror by giving you various weird and controversial missions. Sadly, a few months before the game release, he was cut.
I tried to show you everything what I managed to find. As a bonus, we will bust a few myths. Let's close this topic once and for all. I hope, you will enjoy it!
•Windows 10 is Killing BULLY's Fanbase
Special thanks to Ghost Bear and Fire Head for the information with the rampages!
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ES_I See The Future 4 - Gunnar Johnsйn
ES_Unfoldings 2 - Gunnar Johnsйn
ES_Unfoldings 3 - Gunnar Johnsйn
ES_Vital Reports 2 - Gunnar Johnsйn
ES_Vital Reports 5 - Gunnar Johnsйn
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