Please note that this is a re-upload of the same GTA Vice City 100% video which was originally uploaded on October 24 2019. Unfortunately, the video was hit with a copyright 2 months after the upload and became unavailable in the United States.
As I did with my Grand Theft Auto III 100% video, this is my play through of Vice City unedited from start to finish.
The video includes the original music from the game which is a big part of GTA experience and why I decided to leave it in. For this reason, monetization is not available. I've been asked about donations by a few generous viewers who wish to support the hard work involved in making these videos and it can be done securely at the following link through paypal for those interested. :)
I did somehow miss a song that was copyrighted and would block viewing completely (Romeo Void) during my preparation. For this reason, the audio will be muted a few times during the video (Approximately for 5 minutes in total so it's not too bad I guess). I'm a little bid sad about the missing songs because music is such a huge part of what makes these games so great.
Overall, it's a pretty good run and I'm happy with it. I had an embarrassing moment at the ammu nation challenge where I tried to go a bit too fast but it's all good! :)
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