"A friend in need is a friend indeed!"
This popular definition of a true friend often serves as a test of friendship. However, trapped in the subtle snare of Maya, mortal friendships face limitations and fail to withstand trials. In contrast, transcending all mortal limitations, the Guru [Perfect Spiritual Master] stands as the true BFF (best friend forever) for disciples.
Know the innumerable ways in which the Guru forever supports His disciples through this inspiring spiritual discourse, ‘गुरु ही सच्चे मित्र,’ by Sadhvi Jaivani Bharti Ji, a disciple of Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji.
Key Highlights [Timestamped]:
00:00 Time heals all wounds, but scars remain – Grief Ball Analogy
05:00 Sutra for eternal peace - By Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji
08:26 Definition of a True Friend
11:02 Divya Guru's constant support - Disciples' experience
16:25 Real cause of all worries in life
18:19 Hallmark of true surrender
22:16 Blind faith in Guru - Explanation given by Swami Vivekananda
23:24 Guru's unparallel grace can uproot bad karma - An inspiring tale from Mahabharata
30:19 Single pointed Devotion in Guru – Inspiration from Lord Shiva
32:02 Divya Guru's unconditional love - A Disciple's Divine Experience
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