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Guru Sangatyam | Sri Venu Syama (Mani Prasanna) with RaviSastry | PMC Telugu
this is the mantra taught by Sage Viswamitra to Sri Rama and Lakshmana on the first day of their journey to Siddhashrama.
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Venu Syama (Mani name given by her parents at the time of birth)
(@KamakhyAmrutha Mission) a direct disciple of Guruji. Met Guruji First time in Chandi Homam; that’s how She got initiated into Srividya by Guruji.
Under his guidance in the name of "KamakhyAmrutha = Kamakhya + Amrutha" (Kamakhya is Guruji's most lovable Goddess and "Amrutha" is Guruji’s name) spreading Srividya all over India and across the globe.
Venu Syama is focused on spreading Srividya under the name of KamakhyAmrutha Mission. The entire world is having a lot of Spiritual information, Guruji always focused on providing Tools like "Kalavahana, Siri Joti, Meditations, Homams (Fire ceremonies) and many more", which directly enhance the Sadhaka (doer).
With Srividya teaching and practices Venu is focused on spreading the Knowledge, Information, and Tools shared by Guruji. Venu is traveling across the world and primarily focused on spreading Guruji's principles like “Women Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Building Happy Families, Importance of Enjoyable Old Age, Love-able World”.
All the time she is making a continuous and conscious effort in spreading "Srividya for ALL & Srividya is for EveryOne".
He says Goddess Mission is :
• to train seekers to become Masters who, through Meditations, Yoga, Kundalini, or Rituals are able to break through boundaries of Ego to enter the Court of Consciousness, Soundarya Lahari, Empress of Srividya, Lalita Devi, manifesting ever fresh, and better quality of life for every human and Nature Spirit.
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