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Gurukul Education vs Modern Education | STS Podcast EP-06 | ft. Gautam Khattar & Manogya Tiwari

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✨ Striking Thoughts Show | Episode 6 ✨

Face-off Topic: Gurukul Education vs. Modern Education

Guest on Side A: Gautam Khattar ji
Expertise: Gurukul Student, Ph.D Scholar, Public Speaker & Founder of “सनातन महासंघ”
Instagram Handle: @khattar.gautam

Guest on Side B: Manogya Tiwari ji
Expertise: Ramayana Enthusiast, Entrepreneur, Specialization from IIT Delhi
Instagram Handle: @manukahat

Join us as Gautam Khattar ji passionately advocates for the timeless wisdom and holistic learning of Gurukul education, emphasizing the importance of traditional values and deep-rooted knowledge. On the other side, Manogya Tiwari ji presents a modern take on ancient texts, analyzing how contemporary education can integrate these ancient teachings. It’s a friendly debate where tradition meets modernity, and ideas clash over a game of carrom! 😄

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About the Host ✨

Vishal is an IIT Graduate who founded
His Interests lie in Philosophy, Sanskrit, Physics, Creative Writing, Storytelling, and Public Speaking 📚

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📌 Episode Highlights:
Intro : (00:00)
Gurukul vs मदरसा : (05:00)
रामायण और महाभारत कितने important ? (13:17)
कथाओं का misinterpretation : (20:00)
गुरुकुल में क्या गरीब ही पढ़ते है ? : (24:00)
गाँवो का सहयोग : (29:00)
The irony in the modern education system : (35:07)
Gurukul passion solution : (40:10)
Lord Maucauly : (48:31)
Ancient Gurukul vs Modern Gurukul : (50:00)
New Gurukuls & Achievements : (54:00)
Varieties of Gurukul & Admission System : (57:43)
Girl's Gurukul : (1:04:00)

#education #gurukul #indianeducation #gurukuls #school #podcast


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धन्यवाद, आपके बहुमूल्य समय के लिए। 🙏🏼
