We had the pleasure to chat with Marti Matulis (Vane the Pirate). We chatted about his work, his time on Skeleton Crew and The Mandalorian and his life outside work.
This interview with Marti Matulis was from the 501st Holiday of Hope telethon back in December.
If you would like to donate to the Starlight Foundation, please click the link:
To check out the telethon, head to the 501st Legion YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/@The501stLegion
Check out Marti Matulis' YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MartiMatulis
#MartiMatulis #501stlegion #starlightfoundation #starwars #skeletoncrew #mandalorian #vanethepirate #interview #podcast #badguysdoinggood #disneyplus
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