在美國最多分店的亞洲超市就是"H Mart", 接近100間! 加州有19間. 這間在Chino是最近2/13/25新開張. 裡面的所有東西都擺放得非常整齊. 有很多中國, 韓國, 美國, 和日本的食物. 生意非常好! 排長龍!
So many sale items! Especially the fruit and seafood sections. (Fresh live geoduck, lobster, king crab, abalone, and more)
This is mainly a Korean Market. (The "H" in H Mart stands for "Han Ah Reum", which is Korean for "an armful".) It also sells a large variety of American, Chinese, and Japanese food.
【美國南加州美食系列】Southern California area
「H Mart」
3967 Grand Ave. Chino, CA 91710
(909) 664-2001
Monday - Sunday: 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
多謝大家. 其實美國南加州除咗迪士尼樂園、影城環球片場、樂高樂園之後,仲有好多大家唔知但又吸引嘅地方,所以希望你哋繼續支持和訂閱我哋嘅頻道,我哋會帶你哋玩盡南加州,介紹美國地道文化同埋日常生活,你哋仲可以留言話我哋知有乜地方想我哋去!再一次多謝大家!
加州四口周圍走 CA Traveling 4
聯絡電郵: CAtraveling4@hotmail.com