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(HACCP ver) HOW TO BUTCHER AN ENTIRE COW - The process by which beef is made / 소발골,발골교육,신부축산

CookingBoy 쿠킹보이 3,274,235 4 years ago
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We arrived at the strictly certified cattle bone formation site in Seoul at 2:30 a.m. from 2:50 to 4 minutes to shoot a carcass (one cow divided into quarters) cow dismantling work. Please enjoy watching the process of commercializing beef that we often encounter. 서울에서 엄격하게 인증받은( HACCP)소 발골 현장을 새벽 2시 30분에 도착하여 2시 50분부터 4분 도체 된(1 마리의 소를 4등분) 소 해체작업을 촬영하게 되었습니다. 우리가 자주 접하는 소고기가 상품화되는 과정을 즐겁게 시청하여주세요. *HACCP : Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points / 식품안전관리인증 15:25 등심 Sirloin 16:36 앞다리 Blade 17:12 사태 Shin & Shank 17:51 업진살 plate 18:27 짝갈비 Rib 19:06 설도 Butt & Rump 19:31 앞다리(전각) Foreshank 20:27 윗등심 Top Sirloin 23:15 잡육 Beef Cut 23:25 아랫등심 porterhouse 25:47 설도 bottom round 27:46 목심 Chuck Roll 28:23 사태 shin shank 28:56 차돌박이 brisket point 29:23 안심 Tenderloin? 29:56 삼각살 tri tip 30:34 차돌양지 brisket point 30:44 제비추리 neck chain 31:55 우둔살 inside round 32:30 차돌양지 flank 33:00 설깃 top sirloin cap 38:12 홍두깨 eye of round 이 영상은 명절에 한국인이 좋아하는 소를 각 부위별 해체하여 스테이크 사용부위, 등심, 안심, 갈빗살 등으로 분류하여 판매되는 전의 과정을 기록한 교육용 영상이며 이것은 한국문화입니다. This video is an educational video recording the pre-sale process by disassembling each part of the beef that Koreans like for a holiday, and categorizing it into steak use, sirloin, tenderloin, ribs, etc. This is Korean culture. यह वीडियो एक शैक्षिक वीडियो है जो बीफ़ के प्रत्येक भाग को बेचकर प्री-सेल प्रक्रिया को रिकॉर्ड करता है, जो कि कोरियाई लोगों को छुट्टी के लिए पसंद है, और इसे स्टीक उपयोग, सिरोलिन, टेंडरलॉइन, पसलियों आदि में वर्गीकृत किया जाता है। यह कोरियाई संस्कृति है। 신부축산/마장동 , 마장동축산물시장내 Thank you so much for watching. I will continue to work hard for delicious and interesting videos. My Camera & Gimbal / SONY A7C, a6400, Crane M2,feiyu g6 max CookingBoy contact E-mail / [email protected] Channel (SUBSCRIPTION & LIKE) are great powers for the CookingBoy. Thanks again ! #Chuck Roll #educational #flank #Sirloin #HACCP #round #loin #steak #oyster steak #sirloin steak #rib #chuck #flank steak #fastcuttingskills # Cutting Skills # Cow Cutting #소발골 #Beef Cut #발골 #beef #Learning #bovine dismantling #신부축산
