ፍቅር እስከ መቃብር ሙሉ ትረካ.ሐዲስ አለማየሁ ተራኪ ወጋየሁ ንጋቱ.Haddis Alemayehu.the legal permission of the publisher.
ፍቅር እስከ መቃብር ሙሉ ትረካ. ክፍል 1. ደራሲ ሐዲስ አለማየሁ. ተራኪ ወጋየሁ ንጋቱ.
Before 70 years Ethiopian Historical legendary fiction. By Haddis Alemayehu. Narrated By Wogayehu Nigatu. Fikir eske Mekabir. Full narration 1.
The legal permission of the author and the publisher.