One of the superior varieties of cayenne pepper is the Caliber Chili variety, superior in the sense of the ability to produce fruit, one of the characteristics of the superiority of the Caliber cayenne pepper is that it has a tall and large plant posture, and bears abundant fruit. However, the superiority of the seeds will greatly depend on the care of the plants. Here we see the extraordinary growth of the Caliber cayenne pepper, with simple care but the plants can grow very fertile and bear very abundant fruit. From the results of interviews with the owner of the garden, namely Haji Udin and his employee, namely Kang Lis, it is clear that the fertilizers and pesticides used are not too varied, in fact it can be said to be very simple. The location of this garden is located in the lowlands, namely in Cilegon, Banten. #calibercayenne #gardening #chilicare #caring for chili #agriculture #how to care for chili