A deep dive review Into the Yaesu FTDX 10. An incredible receiver for the money. Many of the same features of the larger and more expensive FTDX 101 series. I’ll go into various noise mitigation techniques as well as much Of what this transceiver can do.
Having now owned the FTDX 101D and MP, I can see with all assuredness the receiver on the FTDX 10 is very very close in sensitivity and selectivity of those much larger and more expensive Transceivers
This Review won’t go into everything this transceiver will do, But it will go into a lot of detail of the power of its receiver. It’s one of the best receivers I’ve ever used in nearly 50 years
 The Ham Radio Live team Sincerely hope you enjoy this show
Gunter, DK5ONV
Tom, AE1TP/A92GW
Rod, K7LAP
Larry K7HN
I welcome your questions as well as your comments about the show. It isn’t for everyone. I realize that.
The main audience is for people who aren’t in amateur radio and inspire them to get their ham radio license. Please reach me at the shows email address which is: CQHamRadioLive@gmail.com
If you’d like to support the channel, there are two ways to do so, the first it’s through PayPal. My PayPal address is the shows email address, proberbs356@me.com.
I’ve also set up a Patreon page for you to help out with much needed and thankful donations. That link is here: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29807237
You can study for ANY of the UK Ham Radio License Exams at this link. But STUDY With a ham club or online company that specializes in helping UK amateurs pass their exams. I’m not a substitute for study! I do try to put things in layman‘s terms so you can understand them better to help pass your test.
Big thanks to Paul Herrman, N0NBH, for his great propagation webpage showing an incredible amount of information about the sun and how it effects ham radio. I get some of my information from his webpage. You can find it here: https://www.solarham.net
US Ham Radio Test help can be found at this link: http://aa9pw.com/amateur-radio-exam-practice/
The goal of this channel is to help people get on the air! If you’d like to know more about ham radio or find out where your nearest Radio club is to help get you on the air, contact the American Radio Relay League at www.ARRL.org.
UK viewers, if you’d like to get into amateur radio and receive your license, contact the Radio Society of Great Britain. You can find them at www.rsgb.org.
Canadian viewers, find the Radio Amateurs of Canada at www.RAC.ca
Australian viewers: if you’d like to know how to get your license Contact www.wia.org
MFJ has many accessories that can help make sure ham shack much more effective! From antenna analyzers to amplifiers and antennas to noise canceling devices MFJ has you covered from A to Z! Find them at www.MFJenterprises.com