中国传统木工木匠的刨子。In this video I show you how to make a traditional Chinese woodworking hand plane. This is the first in a planned 7 video-series focusing on Chinese woodworking tools that are both traditional and different from European and English tools. Project 28.
Checkout the links below where I show you how to make a variety of traditional Chinese woodworking tools.
How to make 7 traditional Chinese woodworking Tools:
1. Chinese hand plane 刨子 (
2. Chinese frame saw 锯 (
3. Chinese dovetail Plane 燕尾刨 (
4. Chinese Knife Saw 刀锯 (
5. Chinese cutting gauge 勒刀子 (
6. Chinese bevel gauge 活尺 (
7. Chinese styled half moon marking gauge 线勒子 (
7b. Offset plate for easy layout of mortise and tenon (
7c. Foolproof Angled mortise and tenon with the half moon Chinese marking gauge and Offset Plate (
Chinese woodworking hand plane free plans:
Reference Video:
Traditional Chinese Hand Plane by master Xing Quian Sheng (幸全生)
The Chinese handplane is different from it's European counter part is the way that it is held. The Chinese plane can be used in many hand positions; such as one handed, pushed, pulled, w/ or w/o the hand.
The next planned Chinese woodworking project is a frame saw. The Chinese frame saw is very similar to the German (European) framesaw in the way they look. There are subttle differences in the design that makes their use very different.
Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you have any questions.
John Z Zhu