A little exploration on Hand vs. Machine shaping - this is a side by side of the same model, same dimensions, with two different shaping techniques; CNC Machine-shaped (pre shaped by a CNC and finish shaped in-hand) and Hand Shaped.
Within surf-culture "Hand Shaping" refers to shaping a complete surfboard from a raw blank by hand without the use of computer or shaping-machines, aside from hand-held tools. Many companies and people blur the lines and consider CNC-shaped surfboards 'hand shaped' these days in their verbiage, with the justification that they were touched 'by hand' - this is a marketing tactic and a projection of value to add dollars to their pricing, not a reflection of legitimate surfboard 'Hand Shaping' - Within the shaping and surf culture the differentiation and delineation of these techniques is key to understand and keep clear in order to preserve something super special to surfing, a tradition of building unique surfboards one by one for our customers - hopefully this video helps explore the techniques and their differences just a little bit.
There is no better or worse, but it is worthwhile to know the difference and keep their unique attributes separate and well respected :)