Full VHS of Part I + Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's "Messiah" conducted by Robert Shaw with his Atlanta Symphony Orchestra from 1987. Joining Shaw are the Atlanta Symphony Chamber Chorus and soprano Sylvia McNair, mezzo-soprano Marietta Simpson, tenor Jon Humphrey, and Baritone William Stone.
See below to jump to a track:
Sinfony - 0:00
Comfort ye - 3:36
Ev’ry valley - 6:28
And the glory ... of the Lord - 9:48
Thus saith the Lord/Behold, I will send - 12:51
But who may abide/ But he is like a refiner's fire - 14:26
And He shall purify - 19:03
Behold, a virgin shall conceive - 21:27
O thou that tellest good tidings/Arise, shine - 21:51
For behold, darkness - 27:01
The people that walked - 28:54
For unto us a Child is born - 32:46
Pifa - 36:41
There were shepherds abiding - 37:42
And lo, the angel of the Lord/And the angel said - 37:58
And suddenly - 39:02
Glory to God in the highest - 39:20
Rejoice greatly - 41:09
Then shall the eyes of the blind - 45:41
He shall feed His flock/Come unto me - 46:10
His yoke is easy - 51:05
Hallelujah - 53:14