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EngSub《Lost You Forever》5:👑帥將軍爽拒郡主婚約💕強娶👧俏皮小娘子,🔥怎料小娘子三門婚事纏身,💥三郎爭一女實在壯觀!#吳磊 #趙露思 #星汉灿烂

快Drama 128,498 10 months ago
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欢迎订阅“快Drama”🤞🤞🤞观看更多精彩剧集 Welcome to subscribe to“@kuaiDrama”🤞🤞🤞 for more exciting TV series. 🔔訂閱我們/Subscribe to us: 💓全集观看/Watch the complete series👉: 《Lost You Forever》主演:#赵露思 #吴磊 剧情:程家女名少商(赵露思饰),因战乱自幼被父母留在祖母身边成为“留守儿童”,婶娘狠心纵容,意图将其养成废人。面对重重陷阱,程少商为活命,假荒诞、真苦学,掩盖锋芒等待父母归来。可拨开乌云见月明时,却因多年疏离致使亲情已难再拾。缺爱的程少商,遇新帝义子凌不疑(吴磊饰)、白鹿山才子袁慎(李昀锐饰)、世家子弟楼垚(余承恩饰),三人各有优劣。在选择适婚者上,程少商既自卑又务实,尽管情感之路颇多坎坷,但她从不后悔自己的每次选择。在与凌不疑的相处之中,也阴差阳错卷入了凌不疑的家庭与身世之谜中。种种事件,程少商屡立奇功,也从凌不疑的家庭关系中学会与父母相处之道,以及如何经营自己的爱情。同时程少商与凌不疑也在这些经历中各自变化成长,慢慢与自己和家庭和解,并坚守内心的正义,携手化解国家危机,成就一段佳话。 Plot: Cheng Jia's daughter, Shao Shang (played by Zhao Lusi), was left with her grandmother due to the turmoil of war, becoming a "left-behind child." Her aunt, with malicious intent, allowed her to grow up neglected, hoping to turn her into a worthless person. Faced with numerous traps, Shao Shang, in order to survive, pretended to be absurd while secretly studying hard, concealing her sharpness while waiting for her parents to return. However, when the clouds parted and the moon shone through, she found that years of estrangement had made it difficult to reclaim familial love. Lacking affection, Shao Shang encountered Ling Buyi (played by Wu Lei), the adopted son of the new emperor, literary talent Yuan Shen (played by Li Yunrui), and aristocratic scion Lou Yao (played by Yu Chengen), each with their own strengths and weaknesses. In choosing a suitable husband, Shao Shang was both self-deprecating and pragmatic. Despite facing many obstacles on the path of love, she never regretted her choices. Through her interactions with Ling Buyi, she inadvertently became entangled in the mystery of his family and identity. Throughout various events, Shao Shang achieved remarkable success, learning from Ling Buyi's family relationships how to reconcile with her own parents and how to manage her own love life. At the same time, Shao Shang and Ling Buyi each underwent changes and growth, gradually reconciling with themselves and their families, steadfastly upholding their inner justice, and working together to resolve national crises, creating a beautiful story in the process. #Love Like The Galaxy #吳磊 #趙露思 #郭濤 #曾黎 #李昀銳 #余承恩 #徐嬌 #陳意涵 #高寒 #许凯 #杨紫 #江铠同 #翟天临 #王阳 #李兰迪 #江鎧同 #翟天臨 #王陽 #李蘭迪 #chinesedrama #sweetdrama #王鹤棣 #虞书欣 #杨紫 #楊紫 #肖战 #王鶴棣 #虞書欣 #肖戰 #霸道总裁 #霸道總裁 #甜宠剧场 #中國電視劇 #sweet #中国电视剧 #dramaclips #甜寵偶像劇 #甜宠 #甜宠爱情剧 #甜宠偶像剧 #Doublesweetwife #LoveScenes #大陸電視劇 #中國電視劇 #電視劇 #都市劇 #都市情感電視劇 #都市情感劇 #大陸劇 #陸劇 #2022電視劇 #電視劇2022 #2022最新電視劇 #2022都市劇 #都市劇2022 #2022最新都市劇 #職場劇 #職場電視劇 #都市職場劇 #都市職場電視劇 #2022chinesedrama #chinesedrama2022 #soldier SSL
