Learn How To Handstand For Beginners 👉 https://fitnessfaqs.com/product/handstand-pro/
Many teachers claim to be handstand experts, few actually are. @CoachBachmann has dedicated his life to performing handbalancing at circus shows worldwide. Get ready to learn the truth about handstands so you can progress faster.
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Follow Sascha Bachmann:
00:17 - The journey
02:20 - Handstands made easy
11:46 - Wall handstands
20:31 - Handstands Vs Strength Training
26:08 - How often to practice?
27:27 - How long to learn?
29:43 - Filming is helpful
33:24 - Design your workout
38:45 - How many exercises?
40:50 - How much is enough?
42:12 - The perfect handstand
44:38 - Bad balance days
50:57 - Lifting weights
53:59 - Keeping healthy
56:37 - Recovery
01:02:14 - Handstand push-ups