*Don is a philosopher and life coach reacting to country music.
*For information about personal coaching sessions with Don, email him at EchelonPersonlCoaching at gmail dot com, or visit his website at EchelonPersonalCoaching.com.
*LINK TO DON'S THINKING THEOLOGY CHANNEL, where he discusses theological topics from a philosophical perspective: https://www.youtube.com/@thinkingtheology/videos
DONATION REQUESTS are via PayPal or Venmo and should fit the channel's theme. Suggested gift is $25 per song.
PAYPAL LINK: paypal.me/epcDON or use RockN2Country at gmail.com
TWITTER: @RockN2Country
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/RockN2Country
BUSINESS EMAIL (not song requests): RockN2Country at g mail dot com
MAILING ADDRESS: Don S., P.O. Box 5132, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
#HankSnow #traditionalcountrymusic #countrymusicreactions #countrymusic
LINK TO MY QUOTESNIPS CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/c/QuoteSnips