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瞬間令身心進入深度放鬆狀態 | 藏醫療心咒 一小時 放鬆音樂 | Happy Heart Mantra 1 Hour | Clean All Negative Energy

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🌈🌈藏醫療心咒 Lyrics🌈🌈 🌈Ahah Zitta Suka Sam Sam🌈 🌈這是一種藏傳醫療咒語,通常由藏區的醫者使用,被稱為「聲音醫學」,主要針對心臟問題、抑鬱、焦慮、恐懼、憂傷等🌈 🌈此時,心靈逐漸朝向純淨,如同山間自由綻放的花朵,永遠向著最適合的方向成長。愛的祈禱能喚醒萬物內在的高尚精神能量。只要我們真誠相信,就能在輪迴的世界中獲得啟迪和解脫🌈 🌈專注於聆聽這個咒語,靜靜跟隨吟誦,很容易喚起你高尚的記憶。細膩、溫柔、純淨、放鬆,伴隨著涼爽的微風和溫暖的陽光,具有良好的療愈效果。想象一道藍光從宇宙深處進入頂門,充滿整個身體,使人完全純淨、清潔、快樂和平靜。沉浸在這種狀態中,緩緩吟誦🌈 🌈This is a Tibetan healing mantra commonly used by practitioners in the Tibetan region, known as "sound medicine," primarily targeting heart issues, depression, and more.🌈 🌈The mantra goes: "Ahah zitta suka sam sam."🌈 🌈At this moment, the mind gradually moves towards purity, like flowers blooming freely in the mountains, always growing towards the most suitable direction. Prayers of love can awaken the inherent high spiritual energy of all things. As long as we sincerely believe, we can attain enlightenment and liberation in the world of samsara.🌈 🌈Focus on listening to the mantra, quietly following the recitation, it is especially easy to evoke your lofty memories. Delicate, gentle, pure, and relaxed, with the cool breeze blowing and the warm sun shining, it has a good healing effect. Visualize a blue light from the depths of the universe entering from the top of the head, filling the whole body, making the person completely pure, clean, joyful, and peaceful. Dwell in this state, and slowly chant🌈 #kuanyin #觀世音菩薩#guanyin #佛曲#觀音菩薩 #藥師佛 #藏傳佛教 #relaxingmusic #lofimusicforsleep #快樂咒 #BuddhaMusic #BuddhistMusic #BuddhismMusic #meditationmusic
