Happy Moments with Family in Our Dream Cottage at Mukteshwar | बच्चों के साथ पहाड़ों में कुकिंग
How to spend a peaceful & Joyful Retired Life | सपनों की पहाड़ी दुनिया में बागवानी और खाने का स्वाद
Living Dream: Villa Life & Mountain Gardening in Mukteshwar/ पहाड़ी जीवन की दिनचर्या: प्रकृति के बीच
Join us on our journey as a retired couple living amidst the stunning mountains, where every day is a new adventure! In this video, we share our passion for traveling and gardening, Outdoor Outdoor Cooking . Cooking exploring breathtaking landscapes, and cultivating our beautiful garden. Discover tips for mountain living, travel adventures, and the joy of nurturing nature in your retirement. Come along and be inspired by our serene lifestyle!
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