Harappan - Indus Valley Civilization Malayalam Explanation | alexplain
Indus valley civilization was a bronze age civilization that survived in the north western part of the Indian Subcontinent. The first relics of this civilization were found near the city of Harappa in today's Pakistan. That is why this civilization is also widely known as the Harappan civilization. This video explains the history, origin and development of the Harappan civilization into a matured bronze-age civilization along with the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations. The town planning along the riverbeds of Indus as well as the Gagghar-Hakra rivers, the building structures and the usage of burnt bricks, and the artifacts including figurines, painted pottery, jewellery, tools and usage of bronze etc. are explained in this video. The deciphering of the Harappan script and other mysteries are also explained. The possible reasons for the decline of the Harappan - Indus Valley civilization are also explained in this video.
#harappancivilisation #indusvalleycivilization #alexplain
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