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Difficult life of an elderly couple on the top of a mountain far from civilization

Life On Top 351,491 3 months ago
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The couple chose to live on top of a mountain, far from civilization and the usual benefits of the modern world. Every day for them is a test of endurance, strength of spirit and mutual support. Severe weather conditions, loneliness, lack of roads and access to shops are just some of the things they face every day. In this film we show: What life looks like at a height, where there is no communication and amenities. What difficulties arise due to remoteness from people. How a couple overcomes the challenges of nature and finds happiness in simple things. This story is about real struggle, love for the mountains and the power of human devotion. Subscribe to the channel and follow our films about life in the most remote corners. 📝 Write in the comments, would you be able to live so far from civilization? 📌 You can watch with subtitles. How a believing couple's simple life brings happiness and peace to a mountain village : Happy old age of an elderly couple in a mountain village : Life in the mountains of a 96 year old grandmother: An elderly grandmother 86 years old: Amazing life of a grandmother on top of a mountain: village life old couple mountain village rural life old couple life mountains life village woman village village lifestyle how people live hard life in the mountains mountain village life traditional food жизнь в деревне country lifestyle mountain life mountains hard life village food village cooking village people old man traditional life village life vlogs old man life the life at highland village village life in ukraine primitive life woman alone in the wilderness how people live in ukraine woman alone in mountain woman alone the ulengovs yt:cc=on food around the world village life in afghanistan nature organic food village channel old couple life at the top of mountains ukraine woman old couple living alone relaxing video old man live alone far from civilization old grandmother drama old culture country life vlog everyday life mountain cooking the village ulengovs cold village nomadic lifestyle village people life country life retirement village old blind couple life village life of afghanistan lifestyle at the villages mountain cooking asmr asmr cooking no talking afghani traditional food cooking in village living alone life in remote villages village family villagelife couple life in village old couple in india live alone how to live alone nomadic lifestyle campfire campfire cooking asmr video traditional cooking food asmr relaxing video 4k relaxing video nature lifestyle story of life stories of real people country life kənd həyatı lonely grandpa mountain village people life life in most remote villages village vlog old couple living in mountain old women rural village life afghanistan daily routine village life in afghanistan old house at the top of mountain alone couple country cooking vlog countryside vlog lonely grandmother ukraine village life mountaintop daily life simple living life in mountains mountain people living in mountains primitive living far from any road village lifeaholic rural village remote village primitive documentaries life in the mountains cooking in the mountains traditional village life old couple live alone in mountains alone old man life family and nature life highland documentary nomadic ambience life in nature highland and village life natural farming how to old couple mountain old couples mountain in village nomad life 2000 years old cave irani mountain village living in the mountains historical village countryside food women daily routine village in mountain nomadic life in the mountains making fire tea in the mountains mountain valley old village village girl old lovers living in a cave my rural events caves with 2000 years archaism hard life in the village life style village #villagelife #village #documentary
