#harisinghnalwa #punjabsiyan #history Hari Singh Nalwa a great warrior of khalsa fauj of maharaja ranjit singh ji A great Sikh Hari Singh Nalwa who lost his Father at the age of 7 , Joined khalsa army at the age of 13 Hari singh Nalwa Fought his First battle at the age of 16 and Won Kasur He Had more than 20 battles with afghanis and Conquer their Most Prominent areas Like Kasur, Peshawar, Atack, Jamraud Hari singh nalwa Build a fort at Jamraud in just 54 days Jamraud is a very important place next to the kyber pass/ paas Khyber pass also alled kybere darra in Punjab Britishers called kyber pass as gateway of india Because from centuries the invaders attacked on india they came and enter from kyber paas only That was the only easiest option to enter india No won had captured Khyber paas jamraud before hari singh nalwa Even Alexander was failed to capture that area Even Peshawar was under the control of barkjayis from last 700-800 years Hari singh nalwa captured Peshawar 3 times. Dost Muhammad khan presented najrana to maharaja ranjt singh A Flop youtuber of punjab is trying to disgrace and defame the history and bravery of sikh warriors A factual Reply to Flop You Tuber ( Native of Land of Punjab )