I tend to have a rule about keeping modules. If I am considering selling one, I have a single evening where I go deep with it one more time. The Harmonic Oscillator was in that bracket, as much as anything for cost reason and HP width. Sad to say I had some fun with it. Used on LFO to ping the harmonics, and then Triple Sloth to modulate Sofia on the bass - Didn’t quite expect the bass from Sofia to be quite so face melting 🫠.
Check out the third clip for the dusty distorted ending!
Harmonic Oscillator ➡️ XaVCF ➡️ Mimeophon
Xaoc Sofia ➡️ QPAS ➡️ Nautilus
AJH Minimod VCO ➡️ Stereo Dipole ➡️ Beads
Arbhar ➡️ FX Aid Pro
#verbosharmonicoscillator #qubitdatabender #qubitbloom #qubitnebulae #triplesloths #makenoisemimeophon #mimeophon #grayscalemicrocell #xavcf #xaocsofia #instruoarbhar #welcometospacelounge #ambientcuration #modularsynth #eurorack #haveyoubeenfound #xaocsofia