Exploring South Korea's plastic surgery industry, Korean beauty standards, lookism, emphasis on appearance, and their consequences. Discussions include the Korean job market, dating, social media, and beauty editing apps/filters. Also discuss cultural changes in Korea regarding beauty standards.
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00:00 Intro
02:34 Stats/Normalization of Plastic Surgery
04:40 Beauty Ideals
05:08 Western Perception of Korea’s Beauty Ideals
05:57 Emphasis on Appearance
07:31 Lookism at Work
11:34 Lookism in Dating
13:58 Prisoner’s Dilemma, Nash Equilibrium, ‘Beauty Inflation’
16:47 Traditional Media
17:18 Social Media and Beauty Editing Apps/Filters
20:16 The Cost of Beauty
22:16 Has Korea’s Plastic Surgery Industry Gone Too Far?
23:51 The Two Perspectives
25:15 The Cultural Shifts