We're back on the Redwood Highway! California's US-101 through the redwoods, once the pinnacle of 20th century road trip attractions, now somewhat forgotten In the hubbub of the 21st. Abandoned resorts and motels litter the route... empty lots where families once spent their vacations, and in the off season, just the faintest echoes of traffic on the highway through the world's Tallest Trees!
We took a quick ride on one of my favorite sections of the Redwood highway, from The famous Peg House (for sale!) to Confusion Hill and the Chandelier Drive-thru Tree - but shockingly, one of the most famous attractions on the redwood highway for a century seems to be closed up and completely abandoned! The world famous Tree House, or Lilley Redwood park treehouse, Or Minnie Stoddard Lilley tree, whatever you want to call it - is closed!
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One day I'd like someone with resources to come partner with me to resurrect a place like this! The Redwood Highway needs some TLC in all its attractions, and after the Indoor-demic, needs visitors like you!
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90% Edited by Ally! Shoutout!